es…we know. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. So why do some folks seem to have more time? Kelsey and I may have finally arrived at the place in life where there are no more excuses to be made…
Those people? The ones who seem to have more time? They plan better than we do. They do more with their 24 hours than we do with our 24 hours. Another realization about them is that more does not just happen…it is considered, intentional, and disciplined. Ouch…
In 2016 we are planning to join them…but frankly the idea of maximizing all 24 hours is self-defeating…”DBET”…”Dead Before Even Trying”. So, we are starting with intentionally redeeming just 1 additional hour a day, 4 days a week. Do the math! By finding 1 hour a day, by reclaiming 60 minutes, we will add 5.2 WEEKS of productive, rewarding, time that is full and has value, to 2016. Don’t believe it? Seriously, here watch:
- 30 AM Minutes + 30 PM Minutes = 60 Minutes (1 Hour)
- Monday – Thursday (sweet! weekends off!) = 1 Hour x 4 Days = 4 Hours per Week
- 4 Hours x 52 Weeks = 208 Hours
- If we divide by a 40 Hour work week then: 208 hours / 40 Hours = 5.2 Weeks
Could you use an extra 5.2 Weeks? Of course you could, but wait…there’s more! We didn’t even include February 29, 2016…Eh! Take that day off for a reward…we’ve earned it!
Look, we make it sound like a sales pitch, a “too good to be true”, late night TV offer, but look at the math again. This is possible, even relatively easy. If you can see it, and an extra 5.2 weeks sounds good to you, then join us in making more out of 2016.
Redeem 5.2 will be a regular part of our Full of Days subscriber emails. We will share ideas for planning the time, what to actually fill the extra time with, what it can add up to in real and practical ways, and we’ll share how we are doing on our personal year long goal as well.
By becoming a Subscriber you will heap the pressure on us to hold up our end and who knows, maybe we can inspire you to turn 52 into 57.2…if nothing else, you can read about us scrambling to keep it up. Go ahead…I dare you…I triple dog dare? Whatever…(I am nervous about this idea already)
Intentional, disciplined, scary words…. but worth while to consider, what do we do with our time that is wasteful, what do we do with our time that is constructive…. how we spend our time speaks to what is in our heart, do we spend it investing in the people around us, or do we spend it plugging through life with the people next to us…. redeeming the time, being intentional.. I’m in… ready to make the most each and every day!