You Get 52? Funny, We Get 57.2December 31, 2015Those people? The ones who seem to have more time? They plan better than we do.
You May Have A Leaky Gut…December 28, 2015It’s time to take a good look at your gut…and I don’t mean your abs after indulging in treats this holiday season!
What Christmas is for UsDecember 24, 2015Every year I quietly snicker (loving and soaking up every minute) and watch my husband and sister-in-law argue about the recipe (this has everything to do with sibling rivalry and nothing to do [...]
About Us…In Part 2December 21, 2015When “participate” wins, even to the embarrassment of your friends, family, and especially your children, fullness can be found.
Seasoning Your Cast IronDecember 16, 2015Do not...I repeat DO NOT wash them like your other pots and pans.
About Us…In PartDecember 14, 2015...days, that if filled to full, make up a life Full of Days; these are the Days That Become A Life.
Evaporated MilkDecember 11, 2015Why there are four ingredients in something I can make from one ingredient is beyond me…
Remembered in LifeDecember 7, 2015Brothers who lived and served together, a son who promised to follow and a father who promised to lead.