this is
Full of Days
Full of Days is about all of the days in-between
A full day is planned for, it’s intentional, it’s soaked in the lessons of the past and, when we pay attention, provides the experience the future is built on. The subtle value in these days (multiple) is what strings them together to form a life (singular). These days tend to look an awful lot like yesterday and are likely to be repeated tomorrow. They’re routine in the big picture, but unique in the details. They often require improvisation and adjustment when life interrupts (improv and adjustments rooted in priorities). They have more to do with intentional choices and perspective, and less to do with circumstances and happenstance. More…
These are the Days That Become A Life
How to recognize a Full Day? Look for firewood that’s been split, stacked, and soaked in sweat and the confidence of knowing a home will be warm in the coming winter. Watch for sit down meals with family that begin with preparing food together and end with someone washing, someone drying, and someone putting away dishes. Finding value in the mundane and the daily grind? Good clues. Watch for choices between spectating and participating. When “participate” wins (even to the embarrassment of your friends, family, and especially your children) fullness can be found. More…
So why a website and blog?
Ingredients to live a life Full of Days: Nutrition, Recipes, Homemaking, Reviews, Tips & Tricks, Products and Everyday Life in the Steffen household from the perspective of a wife & mother, and from a husband and 1st generation father. More…