In Breakfast, Gluten-Free, Recipes

remember my first encounter with that big yellow box like it was yesterday. I was ten years old at a friend’s sleepover, and that Saturday morning her mother served up the most amazing fluffy pancakes I had ever had.

I’m sure you venture to wonder if I had emerged from under a rock not knowing what Bisquick was before my tenth year, but I came from a home where my parents read Mother Earth News magazine and moved to rural Idaho to “live off the land”. My dad would barter his carpenter skills to trade the neighbors for half a beef, my mom canned and preserved anything possible from our garden and fruit trees, and what they weren’t able to procure locally, was ordered in bulk from Azure Standard. Their goal was to make what they could from scratch, so items like boxed mixes and shortcuts were unfamiliar to me.

I admit, in my youth, my taste buds were lured away by these enticing chemicals and food additives that seemed so delicious at the time. However, fast forward over a quarter of a century, and you will find my gluten free pancakes tend to mimic those whole grain pancakes my mother so lovingly labored over to give her children a healthier start to their day.

Now, don’t be alarmed that I used the word “healthy”. I’ve received reviews of “Wow! These are actually good!” from taste test subjects, both children and adults, who are gluten free/dairy free, and those free of allergy restrictions.

Gluten free/dairy free pancakes were my first project to master in the realm of the gluten/dairy free world. For years, as I would cover my counter with ingredients, I chastised myself for not taking the time to figure out how to make it simpler with a mix. Enter my always inspiring friend, Kelsey, with her mission to find time savers in the kitchen in order to make a Traditional Diet lifestyle realistic. Her post on DIY Bisquick motivated me to convert her recipe to gluten free/dairy free. This has resulted in some pretty happy kiddos who enjoy pancakes more often, because gluten free/dairy free pancakes are now a cinch to whip up anytime of day!

GF/DF Bisquick

6 cups Flour Blend (find recipe here)
3/4 cups Coconut Flour
3/4 cups Flax Meal*
1 Tbs Baking Powder
1 Tbs Sea Salt
1 Tbs Baking Soda
1 cup Coconut Oil (melted)

Buy from Amazon

Coconut Flour
Flax Seed
Baking Powder
Sea Salt
Baking Soda
Coconut Oil

Buy from Azure

Coconut Flour
Flax Seed
Baking Powder
Sea Salt
Baking Soda
Coconut Oil

To Make: In a stand mixer, food processor, or by hand whisk together dry ingredients. Add coconut oil and blend well. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a month. (Make sure your storage container isn’t metal, it will make your flax go rancid.)

* Because flax seeds go rancid fairly quickly at room temperature once ground, we don’t recommend buying flax meal. Instead, grind your own flax seeds in a high powered blender or coffee grinder.

GF/DF Pancakes

1 1/2 cups GF/DF Bisquick
3/4 cup any Nut or Seed Milk
2 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla
2 tsp Honey**

Buy from Amazon

Coconut Milk

Buy from Azure

Coconut Milk

To Make: Whisk together above ingredients***,and cook on medium heat in a preheated pan (about 3-5 min) until bubbles pop. Flip and cook for about the same time on opposite side. Makes about 8 4″ pancakes.

**Honey is optional. In addition to sweetness, it also lends “browning” to the gf flours. If honey is omitted, do not rely on the color to determine if they are done. They will appear almost under-cooked.

***If clumps are problematic, you can alternately mix your batter in a blender. I particularly like this method because it’s so simple to pour the batter from the blender directly into the pan without the need for a separate scoop.

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    Susan H.

    We are not dairy free. Can you use regular cow’s milk?

    • Kelsey Steffen
      Kelsey Steffen

      Hi Susan, sorry for the delay! Your comment must have slipped through the cracks! To answer your question, yes! Regular milk works just fine!

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