In 52 Healthy Changes, DIY, Newsletter
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e’ve been with each other for three full months now. We’ve shared lots of great tips and have made over a dozen small steps toward a healthier lifestyle. For the most part, these changes have been “hands-off”, simply swapping out one product for another, clicking a few buttons on the computer to check the dangers of a product, revamping your condiments, etc.

It’s time for a “hands-on” change (other than bone broth this is your first one, so don’t roll your eyes too much!). For many, this is where the rubber meets the road to sticking out these “healthy changes”. You may find buying organic or chemical free products is perfectly fine. But for others, the financial burden of going organic or buying natural cleaning/personal care supplies can be too costly…DIY to the rescue!

For a fraction of the cost, one can make homemade versions of their favorite products. This carries the added benefits of knowing exactly what goes into the products and being able to customize recipes or scents!

For Healthy Change #16 I want you to pick one DIY project from the list below and vow to find time to make it before our next newsletter. Leave your feedback on the posts with how the recipe worked for you! I’ve found the comments section so helpful in trouble-shooting, or even giving me that added boost of confidence to try my own hand at the DIY thing!

I have complete confidence in your DIY abilities! If you’re like me, you might even find making products yourself is both rewarding and fun!

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